
Consultations of academic teachers in September 2020


If you want to meet with our teachers, you can do so in September. Visits according to the university procedures during a pandemic.

For the sake of our health, we prefer contact by phone 91 449 52 51 and e-mail

Consultation plan in pdf (format:  pdf, rozmiar:  127 kB)

Advice for students doing remote Physical Education

Before and during physical exercise:

  • Organise you exercise area well an safely.
  • Get dressed appropriately and wear good shoes.
  • If you’re not feeling well, don’t do exercise.
  • Warm up before the main part – a warm up is the basis!
  • Practice to the best of your ability, listen to your body.
  • Perform the exercises in order, exactly as described and with the recommended intensity and number of repetitions.

Organisation of work in the WPUT Department of Physical Education and Sport

Zgodnie z Zarządzeniem Nr 82 Rektora ZUT z dnia 9 czerwca 2020r. w sprawie wprowadzenia Procedury bezpieczeństwa epidemiologicznego organizacji zajęć dydaktycznych i pracy badawczej oraz pracy administracji w okresie ogłoszonego stanu epidemii na obszarze RP w związku z zakażeniami wirusem SARS-CoV-2 informujemy, że administracja jednostki pracuje w zwykłym trybie w godzinach 7:30 - 15:30.

Pursuant to Ordinance No. 82 of the Rector of WPUT of 9 June 2020 on the introduction of an epidemiological safety procedure for the organization of teaching and research work and the work of the administration during the period of the announced state of the epidemic in the territory of the Republic of Poland in connection with SARS-CoV-2 infections, we inform that the administration of the unit works in the usual mode from 7:30 to 15:30.

The employees and teachers may be contacted through Ms Teams or e-mail.